Due to risk of COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, we encourage all patients who are sick, or experiencing symptoms such as fever, trouble breathing, coughing to call to reschedule your appointment at 604-284-0369. During this time we will be more lenient with late cancellations and rescheduling.

Remember to stay hydrated, take your vitamins, wash your hands— and avoiding touching your face.


Massage Therapy


Osteopaths treat patients using a combination of gentle stretching, massage, and mobilizing joints to ease symptoms. Commonly, patients visit an osteopath to seek relief from back pain, stiff joints, headaches, arthritis, fatigue, or digestive issues.


RMT Student

Beauty Acupuncture


加拿大🇨🇦BC省注册针灸师(R.Ac) 20年中国西医临床执业医师 同济医科大学临床医学硕士 擅长西医临床CT|MR|X线|超声|介入放射学诊断及治疗 专攻中医针灸学巧妙运用西医精准解剖定位及中医针灸辩证论治科学理念解决:颈肩腰腿痛及肢体功能障碍,骨肌关节系统治疗及体态平衡,内科及妇科慢性疾病针灸治疗及调理,各系统肿瘤针灸辅助治疗,精神情感障碍等疑难杂症,致力于用现代科学和中医方法论为健康保驾护航。

Jay Xiao has been practicing as Registered Acupuncture Practitioner (R.Ac) in BC , He was clinical practitioner of Western medicine in China for 20 years after he got Master of Clinical Medicine, Tongji Medical University Specializing in Western medicine clinical CT|MR|X-ray|Ultrasound|Interventional radiology diagnosis and treatment Jay Specializes in traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and skillfully uses the precise anatomical positioning of Western medicine and the scientific concept of dialectical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine to solve: neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain and limb dysfunction, musculoskeletal system treatment and body balance, internal medicine and gynecological chronic diseases acupuncture treatment and conditioning, various Acupuncture-assisted treatment of systemic tumors, mental and emotional disorders and other difficult and miscellaneous diseases, committed to using modern science and traditional Chinese medicine methodology to protect health.

加拿大🇨🇦BC省注册针灸师(R.Ac) 20年中国西医临床执业医师 同济医科大学临床医学硕士 擅长西医临床CT|MR|X线|超声|介入放射学诊断及治疗 专攻中医针灸学巧妙运用西医精准解剖定位及中... Read More

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